International Women’s Day
This International Women’s Day, we’re showing employees that we’re here for her health by making “here” anywhere other than work.
The time has come that we all invest in women’s health.
We’re providing all Organon employees in Canada with paid time off to take time for themselves, or to support the women in their lives. And we hope others will do the same. The time has come that we all invest in women’s health, the impact of not doing so is simply far too great.

The Cost of Not Investing in Women’s Health
At Organon, we are committed to raising awareness around women’s health-related issues, taking concrete actions to help close the inequity gap and making Organon a safe space for all its employees. The cost of not doing so is far too great.
According to a recent study there’s a cost—be it physical, economic, or societal—to not investing in women’s health. For example, an estimated $300 million USD investment into research focused on women could yield a $13 billion USD economic return and lead to reduced healthcare costs, better quality of life, and years of productivity returned to the global workforce.
It’s time to take action.
At Organon, our hope is that others join us in our effort to drive measurable, positive impact. Working together, we can create a better and healthier every day for women.

Women’s Health is Community Health
Healthy women are the backbone of a thriving, stable, resilient society – and for her and her community to prosper, we must make her health a priority. That includes ending the culture of silence around women’s health issues.
In the Alberta Women’s Health Foundation’s (AWHF) latest thought leadership report, “Surveying the Silence: Exploring the impact of taboos in women’s health,” AWHF explores the repercussions stigma can have on women’s health and seeks to bring attention to medical conditions affecting women’s lives across Alberta.
What Would You Do with a Day Off for Your Health?
These are just a few suggestions for how to spend a day dedicated to health, however the opportunities are truly endless.
#IWD and #EmbraceEquity
Show the world you’re an ally to women, and an advocate for gender equity by posting how you celebrated IWD using #IWD and #EmbraceEquity on social media.
At Organon, we believe investing in women’s health is integral to the health of our company. Imagine if all organizations felt the same? This International Women’s Day, consider giving your employees the day off to care for themselves.
For more information and amazing resources to help you celebrate International Women’s Day and #EmbraceEquity, visit www.internationalwomensday.com.