Dialogue with Organon
As a new player in the global market, we are also leaving our footprint in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland not only with our medicines and healthcare solutions, but also through contact with people with whom we exchange ideas, negotiate, and cooperate. We know, especially as a pharmaceutical company, we have to earn the trust of our environment. Our offer is to provide the greatest possible transparency about news at Organon regarding our motives as well as our activities for and with a variety of stakeholders.

We see ourselves as partners for patient organizations, physicians, pharmacists, healthcare profession representatives, and payers. We are in constant communication with them and their associations in order to be able to contribute to healthcare in the best possible way as conditions continuously change. However, we also want to share our expertise as a pharmaceutical manufacturer and our know-how as a player providing care, shaping the framework conditions of the healthcare system. That is why we seek interaction with health policy committees and decision-makers, where we always come prepared with concrete proposals, primarily in the areas of women’s health, innovation, and prevention. We publish corresponding positions and contacts here. This is how we want to inform and demonstrate that transparency is a top priority at Organon, especially in the sphere of political advocacy. In this respect, membership in ScienceIndustries (Business Association Chemistry Pharma Life Sciences) is a standard for us. Similarly, we welcome the binding rules for cooperation between pharmaceutical companies and physicians, institutions, and patient organizations established in the Pharma Cooperation Code.
Jan Weissflog
Market Access, Policy & Communications Lead D-A-CH
Sabine Hoffmann
Lead Corporate Affairs, Sustainability & ESG D-A-CH

Dialogue with Organon
Women's Health Network
As an expert and partner in women’s health, we understand that we must listen and listen well to women to understand their most unique health concerns. This is the only way to be truly able to develop new tailored therapies. At the same time, we also want to share our knowledge and advocate for women’s health at all levels of society. To meet these goals, we want to network better not only with patient organizations, women’s associations, those who represent the interests of women, politicians focusing on women’s issues, researchers in the field of women’s needs, but also with anyone campaigning for the interests of women in any section of society. We want to become a one-stop shop when it comes to women-specific health issues!
Patient Associations Focusing on Women
We attach great importance to patients and the organizations focused on women’s health. Only the patients have the “lived knowledge” when it comes to taking medicines – and that knowledge cannot be ignored when it comes to drug development. At the same time, patient organizations fill a gap in the healthcare system by providing information, offering patients the opportunity for mutual exchange, and advocating for the concerns of their members at the political level.
Patient organizations are also important contacts for the new Organon. We are aware that the proximity of a pharmaceutical company to patients is often viewed with a critical eye. This interaction will therefore always be conducted where the participants are on equal ground and shared activities will only take place where the interests of all parties coincide. We will ensure that all collaborations and donations are transparent in compliance with the currently relevant principles, guidelines, and codes.
Dialogue with Organon
We operate in a highly complex and highly regulated environment shaped by many different players. Every player is doing their best to continue to improve healthcare. There are some areas where common, cross-sector concepts have not been established. In our joint work with the associations, we are able to contribute our ideas and expertise, exchange information with other companies on relevant developments in our industry, and work together on solutions that will address the challenges the future brings.

Transparency is self-evident for us
That is why we openly inform about our cooperation with patient organizations, healthcare professionals and medical institutions.
Organization and Association Memberships/Active Participation